HPT continues to hold the title of Top 10 Best Workplaces in Vietnam in 2023 in the Information Technology and Telecommunications sector.

In the National Research Program on Vietnam's Top 10 Best Workplaces in 2023 (Vietnam Top 10 Best Workplaces), Viet Research, in collaboration with Báo Đầu tư, has announced the Top 10 Best Workplaces in the Information Technology and Telecommunications sector. HPT is honored to continue holding a top 10 position in this ranking, based on surveys assessing the working environment, employee welfare policies, stable and sustainable business results.

This research program holds political and social significance, aimed at enhancing the awareness of the community, businesses, and employees regarding human resource development, employee welfare, corporate culture, and employer reputation.

The list of the Top 10 Best Workplaces in Vietnam is selected based on various criteria with appropriate weight allocation, including:

  • Criteria related to Human Resources and Employer Reputation: Evaluated based on workforce scale, labor force structure, and the employer's brand reputation.
  • Criteria related to Business Production Efficiency and Growth Prospects: Assessed based on indicators related to revenue, growth rate, and market share.
  • Criteria related to Income and Benefits: Evaluated based on indicators such as average employee income, human resources policies, employee satisfaction, working environment, and corporate culture

This accolade is the result of the dedication and commitment of all HPT employees, supported by the leadership team and the trust of partners, customers, and the community. HPT will continue to focus on building a working environment that fosters creativity, personal development, and provides the best welfare benefits to ensure the satisfaction of each employee working at HPT.